Welcome to Jack N. Darby Elementary School!
Dear Parents and Sponsors,
Welcome to Jack N. Darby School, home of the Dolphins! We encourage you to be an active partner in the education of your student/s during your assignment to CFAS. We realize that transitioning from one school to another can be a very stressful time; but we are here to support you and would like to make this as smooth a transition for you and your family as possible. Our counselor is available to assist new students and their families.
The Darby Elementary School staff is committed to excellence and sets high expectations for all students. We work in partnership with parents, students, and teachers to achieve high academic success. We work very hard to foster active parent participation and effective two-way communication. Your student/s will experience an on-going exposure to technology, as well as reading, writing, and problem solving across the curriculum.
We want you to help us attain everything that is achievable with your students.
Children whose parents are active partners in their education:
- Students get better grades
- Students have better attendance records
- Students have a more positive attitude toward learning. How can parents participate in their children's education? What can they do?
The following suggestions can aid you in helping your child/children have a successful year here at Darby Elementary School:
- Communicate frequently with your child's teacher.
- Have lunch with your child at school often.
- Ask your child about his/her day at school.
- Establish a daily study time at home.
- Provide a place for the study time with pencils, erasers, pens, paper, markers, etc. at hand.
- Read to or with your child every day for at least 15-20 minutes
Please take time to read our handbook. Policies and procedures are outlined. Your comments and concerns regarding the curriculum and/or school operation are welcome. Additionally, be a friend of the school and get to know the school culture. Who are the leaders? Who are the staff members that truly make a difference in the students' lives? We are always in need of Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) and School Advisory Council (SAC) members. Keep in contact with the school, telephone, visit, and e-mail the school often.
Get to know the curriculum standards. Make sure you understand them, and if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask the school to interpret them for you. Share them with your fellow parents. You may go online to https://www.dodea.edu to find the standards for each and every subject area.
Elementary school is a wonderful time for students, parents and educators. Each day is different and we would like to assure you that we are passionate about challenging our students and are continually "Striving for Excellence" in all that we do. We look forward to meeting and working in partnership with you and your student/s!
Darby Elementary School