Get Involved / Partnerships

Parent Involvement

Research demonstrates that parent involvement is essential for student success. Although you may not become involved in all committees and support organizations in the school, we encourage the following activities for your parental support:

  • Join the school parent/teacher association (PTA) and participate in meetings and activities.
  • Have lunch at school with your child regularly.
  • Volunteer in your child's classroom.
  • Establish a daily study time at home (even when there's no homework).
  • Participate in the Continuous School Improvement (CSI) efforts at your child's school.
  • Keep informed of school events and activities by reading school newsletters and your child's classroom newsletter.
  • Communicate frequently with your child's teacher.
  • Prepare for and participate in parent-teacher conferences.
  • Ensure your child has a well-balanced breakfast and comes to school with completed homework, lunch money and school supplies.

Agendas & Meeting Minutes